You’re The Example of Many Great Things

You are unique and special. Don’t hate yourself because of someone’s perception of you. Be disciplined about what you respond and react to. Not everyone or everything deserves your time, energy, and attention.

Some people only exist as examples of what to avoid. You are not obligated to continue with what makes you feel bad. Stay in your light! Learn to get to different dimensions daily.

The same bottle of water in the supermarket costs differently in the gym, costs differently in a restaurant, costs differently in the airplane and costs differently in some other places. It all depends on where you need it. So, when people treat you as though you are worthless, you are in the wrong place.

Sometimes, it is worth considering your place in life or in the perception of the world in order for something to change. Don’t second guess yourself. You are stronger than you think.

When you know you are worthy and valuable, you attract great things. Your thoughts can bring things into your life, it can also take away things from your life.

It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday

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