Your Heart sees further than your Head!! Your life will always go where your heart has been. Learn to keep, feed and guard your heart diligently.
We all came from different backgrounds and experiences. Our experiences colour the way we respond to people. Don’t be divisive. Every successful and progressive man has a background and point of reference.
Have a believe system that everything works if your heart is happily involved. Your heart sees further than your head. Your Heart hears and keeps more about you, Guard your heart diligently.
One thing you’ll fight against is pride. When a man is proud, he sets his own standards, sees other small, but his fall is usually very big.
That you can talk doesn’t mean you are intelligent. People are different; some can talk while some are quiet. More so, that you can talk very well doesn’t make you more spiritual than the other.
Your spirituality is in working in love and forgiveness. Refuse to allow someone make you walk in malice and bitterness.
It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday