Inside ROR Today: He’s “The Way,” Not “A way”

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12).

The Bible says there’s no salvation in any other, for there’s no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved. This statement gives us no chance to think that there might be some other means for salvation. Salvation is only in the Name of Jesus; the Lord Himself was definite about this.

Some people think otherwise and believe there’s more than one way to get to God. In fact, they claim that Jesus is one of the many ways to God. Before taking their claim seriously, one first has to ask them how they came about what they’re saying and on what authority it is based.

They also need to tell if they’ve ever successfully gotten to God. If they can’t answer these questions, then their claims are false, and they have no idea what they’re saying. In John 14:6, Jesus unambiguously declared: “…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

He didn’t say, “I am one of the ways,” neither did He say, “I am a way.” He said, “I am THE way.” So, to answer the question, “How many ways are there to God? The simple answer is: There’s only one way, and that’s Jesus Christ. There’s no other way besides Him.

How do I know this? It’s because Jesus said so, and the same Jesus went to heaven alive. The people who founded the various religions of the world don’t have a similar testimony. When they died, their adherents could only hope they went to heaven. But Jesus went up into heaven alive in the presence of 120 witnesses; they saw Him go. They saw Him levitate and ascend into the clouds before their eyes. Hallelujah!

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. He’s alive and His Name still has power today; that’s why we see so many mighty miracles happening around the world. These miracles are a testimony that He’s alive. Salvation is only in His Name, and you can receive it today if you’re yet to do so by praying the “Prayer of Salvation,” which you’ll find on page 76 of this devotional.

Prayer / Confession

Dear Father, thank you for the blessing of salvation and for the gift of eternal life, which is available to all in Christ. I boldly proclaim the message of salvation to those around me, with conviction and demonstration of the Spirit, such that many may come to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Further study

Romans 10:8-13; John 3:16; 1 John 5:11-12

1-year bible reading plan

1 Corinthians 3; Psalms 109-112

2-year bible reading plan

Philippians 4:8-13; Jeremiah 3

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