Inside Golden Insights: Wake Up

” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7

Sometimes folks suppose that just because they are born again, the enemy is just going to stay away from their territory and let them enjoy life, but that’s one of the greatest lies of the devil. God did not anoint us with power for nothing. He knew we would meet with things that would challenge our advancement. If you are not careful, you can live all your life in defeat, and the enemy may even kill you. You could come home and find your wife, husband, child, mother, or father lying down seriously sick or even dead. If you are going to respond like the world, you are sure going to be whipped. You can’t just watch your child grow up blind, deaf, dumb, or with some sickness. If you are a man and you are always watching football whilst your family is living in defeat , you need God to forgive you.

There are times when you go outside whilst the family is asleep and you start talking. You begin to release divine energy, speaking in tongues and declaring the word. Sometimes, you add fasting to it. If it’s an ear that doesn’t hear, you talk to it. You say ear, you hear the word of God. Stop snoring the whole night and then wake up defeated. Things are not just going to fall on you. You will of necessity collide with opposition but make up your mind to walk in victory. Don’t accept defeat. Don’t carry a stupid medical report from the doctor to your home.

The bible says, ” endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ”. Train yourself to be tough. Instead of crying, train yourself to laugh in the midst of the heat, and you begin to prophesy. Don’t just watch your career, health, home, or business get destroyed. We are children of God, called to reign and not be victims. Refuse to live with a goiter, refuse Diabetes, HIV or any kind of sickness. You may not witness results in a day, but keep on talking. That devil will flee from you. You are a man or woman of the spirit. You can change anything if you will just wake up and make up your mind for change.

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