Inside Golden Insights: The Power of a Strong Desire (Part 1)

“Therefore I say unto you, what THINGS soever YE DESIRE, when ye pray, believe that ye receive THEM, and ye shall have them.”
Mark 11:24Inside Daily Insights: The Power of a Strong Desire (Part 1)

One missing ingredient for success in the lives of many is “A STRONG DESIRE.” There is a difference between wishing and having a desire. A desire is a driving force. It automatically influences your actions. A wish, however, is just something you consider nice and wonderful and wouldn’t mind having. A desire is a MUST in the heart of the one who desires. A desire will obviously have emotions attached to it. It is defined with passion, zeal, and commitment. When you desire something strongly, nomatter the cost, you will go for it. It is dangerous to have a wrong desire because of the necessity you will act on it. Desires always have corresponding action in having them fulfilled. Having a positive desire thereore will produce positive action for you.

The greatest blessing anybody can have is “the propelling power” to do the word of God. People attend conferences, read devotionals like you are reading now but without the driving force to act on this message it will be forgotten in the next 30 minutes even though you may have said, it’s really what you needed. The propelling power is found in the strong desire, which is not a mind issue but a heart issue. The mystery of Christianity is that the power of everything is in the message itself. Desire is a motivator for action. Without it, you can’t be influenced for anything great. A desire to see people well has been the reason some folks went to study medicine. Brother and Sisters, NOT EVERYONE IS IN BUSINESS, GOING TO SCHOOL OR TO WORK SO THAT HE CAN MAKE MONEY, there are many folks who, through their desire, render service to mankind FREE OF CHARGE. Selfish people are motivated by wrong desires.

A strong desire wakes a man up at 3am to pray against Ebola. It’s the desire to see others well. A strong desire to see souls saved makes a man give 90% of his earnings and take 10% home. These are not fairy tales, I know of a team that does this in our day. One of the richest Zimbabwean takes time to fast and pray for the sick, poor, and afflicted. No, brothers and sisters it’s not about money, DESIRE to help men FIRST. Nowonder, he said, “SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU.” When you genuinely set yourself to give solutions to the challenges of men, you shall be rewarded. Desire to see the sick well and the healing power of God will work in you mightily. Desire it so much until you can’t ignore the sick, even the one on a magazine. I have a strong desire to see souls saved, and I consider it an honor for you to be called to participate in the most honorable task ever.

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