Inside Golden Insights: Pray, Think, and Work

” Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”Eph 4:28

There are so many people who are suffering because of religious perspectives on wealth. The idea of sowing seed is the new lottery for ministers,” You sow a $10 you get it multiplied a 100 times” so they say. Instead of praying for a business idea, folks are expecting some magic to happen that will transform their lives. Some have been waiting for 15 years, and that magic has not happened, and it’s not about to. The sad thing is that those who are brainwashed into this kind of religion are quick to defend their position even though they are walking in defeat. You should be spiritual and also make use of the brain God gave you. Think!!

Praying day in and day out, coupled with confessions and fasting and rubbing of anointing oil, is not going to make you a millionaire. The church is not a market place, it’s the place of worship. Everyone of us should learn the word and launch out into the world and win, then come back with testimonies. The people of the world don’t spend time praying about money and wealth, but they control lots of it. You can continue hoping for a miracle, but the truth is, you will have more poverty and frustration. You are to labor. Don’t just sow seed to me or anyone when you should invest that money into some sensible business. You may even choose to argue and point to testimonies from so and so, but if you learn this, you will be transformed. Get the money by honesty means.

Poverty is more in the mind than it is spiritual because the spiritual truth is that Jesus became poor so that you may be rich. The only thing left is getting your mind and your hands working. No matter how small, start something, be involved in some profitable trade.

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