Inside Golden Insights: Mind your own business

” Also, make it your goal to live quietly, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we instructed you,”
1 Thess 4:11

It is wrong to leave church because somebody wronged you or because you did something wrong. However, there are those who make it difficult for others to stay. There are brethren who will visit others, only to spy and gossip. This is why many people refuse to have brethren come for cell group in their home, they have a home which they would really love to give out for a cell venue but they are aware of some unwise brethren. These folks meddle in the affairs of others. They are busybodies and gossipers. They see all the wrong things about everyone except themselves. They are out investigating; who is dating who, where did this Sister get this? Who is that new guy whom she brought to church? If there is a negative story in the newspaper about someone, these fellows will, for the first time, buy a newspaper. Such attitudes are demonic.

Many relationships are destroyed because of gossipers. Sometimes you tell a friend something in confidentiality, maybe it’s a challenge or fault, the next thing is; it spreads all around making you uncomfortable. The Bible instructs us to love all men, but it does not command us to be friends with everyone. Friendship is by choice. Don’t hang around brethren who give you trouble. You don’t owe anybody any explanation of the happenings of your life. Be focused on God and your purpose. Instead of speaking ill of others and discussing faults, pray for that fellow. Never rejoice that a man for whom Christ died is suffering. Just because someone is popular does not mean it’s okay to meddle into his business. Now you may ask, “What if you are a journalist?” Well, know your limits and do unto others as you would have them do to you.

I am not interested in hearing anything bad about anybody. It’s okay if your concern is to pray or help. Otherwise, I don’t like discussing anything about anybody. Stay out of people’s issues. The neighbor who fights is not your business. Preach to them if you are concerned. Don’t make it a subject at work. 1 Peter 4:15 says, ” But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men’s matters

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