Inside Golden Insights: Guard Your Heart

” Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. ”
Proverbs 4:23

There are words which when you hear, can program you for failure. These words come through certain individuals, and it would be good for you to avoid those fellows. Jesus did not always keep just everyone around him. In times of prayer, he would trust Peter, James, and John. At times, he would tell some people to go out before he performed a miracle. At one time, he rebuked the devil who spoke through Peter. This may seem very unkind, but Jesus was the manifestation of the wisdom of God. He knew words to accept and not to accept. The LORD JESUS sat with sinners, not to listen to how also to become a sinner, but he was the one in charge even in the houses he had visited. He didn’t allow unlearned and ignorant people to minister doubt, unbelief, and hate to him.

If the people you hang around don’t encourage you but instead, put you down, criticize you, condemn you and make you feel small and useless, it would be wise to shut your door against them. You are not going to give excuses for your failure. You can’t blame so and so for the circumstances of your life. If the church you go to does not help you see who you are in Christ but instead tells you of your weakness, failure, and inability, then you have no business being there. Don’t read books that make you think life is terrible. Don’t fellowship with people who believe in failure. Don’t hang around people who preach defeat. In your home, talk faith, talk success, don’t talk weakness and confusion. Let your children grow believing in success, prosperity, and health.

Sometimes, it’s just good not to watch the news. There are television stations that will make you worry, but you have a remote to find a channel that ministers good news. Yes, you hold the remote of your life, switch off the wrong channels, and receive the good news.

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