Inside Daily Mind Tip: Life Has No Middle Grounds – Super Motive

Having a kind heart in a cruel world does not mean weakness, it shows courage. Don’t allow what your eyes see change what your heart believes. Stop attributing your problems to other people and your environment.

The environment is not the limit, your belief system is. You don’t need to blow off another’s candle, for it won’t make yours shine brighter. Don’t feel unimportant and insecure when someone else does something remarkable.

Certainly, one of the distinquishing characteristics between human beings and animals is the ability to use words- to speak. This gives us creative power like God. God spoke the universe into existence. We can speak circumstances into existence by our words.

Life has no middle ground. Every word you speak either releases life or death; there’s no middle ground. A person who has no control over his tongue is headed for destruction. You can tell what you really believe by the words you speak. You may think your words don’t matter much, but they do.

Most people say what they have and they continue to have more of such situations. If you realize you don’t really like the circumstances of your life, don’t just change your words, change your heart and your words will follow suit. Words are the guage of your heart.

There’s something unique only you can do, do it and make the world a better place! There’s a beautiful world inside of you. Look inward and superimpose that world into your world with the You in you.

It’s All About Making A Difference Everyday

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