Namwebya Mariam

July 23, 1996

About Candidate


  • Managing of construction projects, Material testing in laboratory, Earth works, Design of highways using AutoCAD civil 3D, use other software like Epanet, Google earth and Archicard. People management, Report writing, Proposal writing, use of Microsoft soft wares like word, excel and power point. Budget trucking, reading and interpreting of drawings.


  • A good communicator who can build trust with people, good at building relationships, critical thinker, proactive, good time manager, a good decision maker and good at managing stress.


  • Accomplished the construction of a 2Km drainage channel for Riham Company during the construction of their new factory in Kawempe division, Kampala during my service with tread consult Uganda limited.
  • Contributed to the construction of jinja main street road by conducting various laboratory tests on soil samples and other materials at ministry of works, jinja regional laboratory.
  • Developed very good report writing skills while working with Oxfam international. The reports that were always written included, project completion reports, monthly reports, bi-weekly reports, quarterly report, water system reports and many others.
  • Collaborated and supervised a team of 20 skilled workers during the construction of total petrol station in Jinja city in the year 2020
  • Received awards for accomplishing the construction of 01 aerator in Kyaka refugee settlement and for enforcing good health and safety practices on Oxfam construction sites during my service with them.
  • Built professional relationships and trust with my subordinates, donors/ clients and supervisors during my work which always resulted into tremendous successful completed of most activities.
  • Assisted in planning, evaluating, monitoring and implementation of health and safety systems while working with tread consult and Uganda electricity generation company limited.
  • Developed technical expertise in laying of asphalt, carrying out road maintenance works like pothole patching during my apprenticeship with Kampala capital city authority
  • Led and collaborated with a team of engineers, skilled and unskilled personal to construct BABA mole in jinja city which is currently in use.
  • Gained technical skills in earth dam construction during the construction of Isimba dam in Kayunga district with Uganda electricity generation company limited
  • Generated a WASH technical proposal which resulted into additional funds for repair of hand pumps and renovation of one solid waste dumping site in Rwamwanja and Kyaka II refugee settlement.
  • Designed 02 solar powered water systems in Kyangwali refugee settlement that are now producing water to serve 2,000 individuals.
  • Offered technical skills during the construction of a marrum road in Kyaka refugee settlement
  • Built capacity of 5 youth groups of both men and women in sanitation entrepreneurship, masonry works for low cost household latrines using dome shaped slabs.



Bachelors in civil engineering 2019
Ndejje University

Build technical expertise in: - Concrete works - Plumbing works - earth works - Project management - Steal works - drilling works - Environmental impact assessments

CAD Specialist (AutoCad civil 3D) 2022

- High way design - Structure design - Use of Epanet and google earth

Health and safety Officer 2023

- Implementing of health and safety guidelines according to ISO, ILO and Uganda standards

Work & Experience

Public Healthy engineer 29 JUNE 2020 - On going

• Designing, supervising, and constructing of WASH infrastructures on behave of Oxfam. • Building capacity of all my team members including the casual workers and equipping them with WASH related skills • Identifying of training needs for community structures (water user committees, VHTs, hand pump mechanics) and arranging training sessions for them. • Attending meeting at the district and within the settlement. • Following up with the support team (finance and logistics) to ensure that all items and resources required are in place. • Report writing (monthly, quarterly, assessment, analysis, and project completion reports). • Supervising the construction of household latrines according to the standards and following the deadline • Developing good relationships with the community structures, donors, contractors, and district personals. • Formulation of data bases on behalf of the organization for the different activities and updating them. • Conducting water quality assessment and water point functionality at all water sources • Budget trucking to avoid under spending and overspending. • Initiation of activities starting from assessments, generation of assessment reports and concept notes that include the proposed quotation of the work and implementation of activities. • Conducting sensitizations and community engagements • Design of water pipeline networks using EPANET, AutoCAD and Google earth.

Assistant civil engineer 30 May 2019 - 25 June 2020
Tread consult

Roles/duties • Studying and reviewing of engineering designs (drawing) • Procurement of items needed on site. • People management • Presentation of work out puts to the clients. • Planning activities • Generating bill of quantities • Tracking of enquiry in line with occupational health and safety

Volunteer November 2018 - December 2018
Ministry of works and transport

• Material testing in both laboratory and field. I can test for natural moisture content, particle size distribution, plastic and liquid limit, linear shrinkage, maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, and California bearing ratio. • House keeping • Following up with results



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