About Candidate
I hold a Bachelor’s degree in industrial and organizational Psychology from Makerere University with a Certificate in BIP Guidelines training that was organized by UNHCR with a comprehensive training in Alternative care framework roll out, case management organized by Ministry of Gender labor and social development (MGLSD). With a protection background, I am a dedicated child protection and gender based violence activist advocating for the prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment (PSEAH) and all child protection policies and child rights. Proven track record of supporting the integration of PSEAH strategies across emergency programs in humanitarian settings and host communities ensuring compliance with global guidelines on child protection, prevention of sexual exploitation abuse and harassment among children and adults. Adept at coordinating with relevant stakeholders, assessing SEAH risks, and implementing mitigation plans and confidential investigation. Skilled in facilitating training sessions, documenting lessons learned, and fostering a victim and survivor-centered approach. I possess over 5 years of experience in sexual exploitation and abuse prevention, gender-based violence, child protection and other humanitarian affairs. I have Strong communication, interpersonal, and time-management skills with a commitment to maintaining confidentiality and upholding professional integrity.
Bachelor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Work & Experience
Ensured all CP program activities (case management, children participation, adolescent programming, working with community-based structures) are conducted in accordance with standard operating procedures to ensure quality and effectiveness. This was done through working closely with CP case workers, Child protection community structures including CPCs, Foster parents and adolescents which led to good performances as per the monthly reports submitted. Supported in planning and implementation of child protection prevention and response activities in line with the organization’s strategy and program documents. This was done through developing of workplans, budgets and targets for all activities conducted throughout the project life span which is in line with planning for GBV sector. Represented Alight in the sector-based coordination meetings and other activities at the coordination levels. This was done through Child Protection/GBV working group meetings, planning meetings for CP and GBV commemorative events. Conducted training and mentorship of child protection staff that is case workers on BIP and community-based structures on referral pathways which enabled delivery of timely quality child protection services to children and their families in the areas of operation. Supervised Child Protection Caseworkers and worked closely with them where the different targets allocated to them were able to be met timely which improved service delivery to the people we serve. Developed Case worker performance measurement and targets and appraised them based on the set targets agreed which supported HR decisions. Contributed to the Weekly, monthly reports for the progress of child protection interventions. Supported in the development and reviewing of activity TOR and workplans of the Child Protection Caseworkers. This was for the different activities under two grants that is BPRM and UNHCR which enabled accountabilities.
Provided quality case management services to children who have experienced or are at risk of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation or are otherwise vulnerable in line with the eligibility criteria and case prioritization guide. Guided children and their families through the case management process (identification and registration, assessment, case planning, implementation of the case plan, follow-up and review, case closure) as outlined in the Standard Operation Procedures. Provided psychosocial support and emotional support to children and families throughout the case management process. Conducted safe referrals to essential services as appropriate, and follow-up to ensure services provided were responsive to the needs identified within the assessment. Liaised with community members, service providers, NGO partners and government stakeholders to identify and safely refer children at risk. Maintained an up-to-date service mapping for your geographical area. Participated in inter-agency case conferences (presentation of cases and dissemination of challenges). Actively engaged in all capacity building opportunities, including formal trainings, shadowing/observation, capacity assessments, etc. Participated in regular case management meetings with the case management team. Prepared for and participated in regular structured individual supervision sessions, identifying challenges and areas for development. Assessed and wrote BID reports for children and recommended for further management.
Conducted case management services both direct and indirect for vulnerable children at heightened risk. This included cases of abuse, exploitation, neglect, and violence. This is done in line with the organization’s strategy and program documents and in accordance with standard operating procedures. Together with GBV sector, we organized male engagement activities targeting men and boys using the SASA! Together and EMAP methodologies in GBV Prevention against children. This was done due to increasing concerns of child abuse in the communities. Conducted training and mentorship to CP staff, partners and community-based structures to deliver quality CP services to children harmed and supported GBV sector in various trainings and prevention activities to deliver mentorship on CP concepts. Participated in assessment and identification of child protection gaps and coordinate with other sectors and actors within the location to address them, most of the gaps were GBV in nature like child marriages, child labor, defilement, early marriages, and issue of street children. This led to the development of GBV and CP approaches to community awareness activities, ensuring that outreach to hot spots is targeted, strategic, and consistent. Developed concept notes according to the activity work plans and budgets, done timely reviewing of activity TORs and work plans of the Child Protection case workers which enabled smooth running of activities. Supported the GBV sector in planning and implementing activities of commemorative days, entering of cases in GBV IMS and extracting the narrative report from the GBV incident recorder as requested to support by the GBV/CPO during the leave of the GBV assistant. I provided capacity building to CP/GBV caseworkers in CP and GBV ProgresV4 modules by UNHCR and I can ably work modules of the two sectors with a lot of ease. In close collaboration with the other sector program teams and sectors especially GBV that is liked to Child protection, I ensured that we establish multi-sectoral CP prevention and response mechanisms to ensure that they are mainstreamed in mid- to long-term sector planning. Conducted weekly case supervision meetings with caseworkers under my supervision. This was for proper documentation in terms of case management and as it has improved quality case management where cases have also been uploaded into Progress v4. Supported child protection caseworkers in terms of capacity building and technical guidance that is in form of technical management of the Best Interest Procedures in the settlement including reviewing of all tools to include BIAs, BIDs, Case plans, followed ups and other necessary documentation before being uploaded into Progress V4. Represented ALIGHT in coordination meeting on behalf of child Protection both at settlement and District level and in Child Protection Sector working group meetings. Conducted success stories on monthly basis as part of the donor requirement. Supported in conducting CP prevention and response awareness raising sessions at community level on CP issues. Identified potential foster parents through foster parents screening where I availed a foster bank to support in alternative placements for UACs and other children at heightened risk. Ensured that Child Protection targets assigned are strictly followed through provision of on Job mentoring to case workers on how to do quality documentation where the targets were achieved on a timely manner. Conducted home visits to foster care homes and assessed their needs for provision of services, ascertained the living conditions of UASCs and provided support in order to have a better living and for their holistic growth and development. Facilitated foster parents training on Child rights and general protection. Conducted child protection training for CPCs and RWCs on Child Protection concepts, referral pathways and PSEA policy. Actively participated in scheduled meetings such as child protection inter-agency coordination meetings that happened once every month. Strengthened existing referral systems and networks of psychosocial service providers, this was through follow up for provision of feedback for better service delivery. Proactively contributed to quality and timely drafting of weekly, monthly reports, quarterly reports and proposal development. Analyzing trends to be aligned with project implementation of activities. Provide regular feedback to the Snr. GBV/CPO on progress, lessons learned, achievements, gaps, and other problems for timely response. Worked with Child Protection Community Based Structures, community leaders, CPCs, caregivers/foster parents to promote child protection in homes and the community. These structures enabled in reporting of child protection cases for further management. Supported adolescent programs that is identified their needs in groups, profiled their groups and documented terms of reference for their support which enabled them to take part in activities of tailoring, hair dressing, weaving, rabbit keeping which enabled adolescents to be resilient and be able to provide themselves with daily basic needs. Supported peer activities and child rights clubs after working with them to identify their needs for support.
Supported in identification, documentation and responding to child protection cases of vulnerable children in settlements. Monitored, conducted case by case follow ups and facilitated the alternative care and reunification process of separated or unaccompanied children. Supported vulnerable children identified with protection concerns to achieve favorable outcomes through development of care plans and proper follow-up of cases in the settlement. This was also through provision of direct and indirect services. Documented and facilitated the family tracing process of children who are separated from their parents or caregivers in partnership with the relevant service providers that is URC in family tracing and reunification. Held meetings with vulnerable children and their families together with service providers to formulate and implement case by case action plans in providing appropriate services. Participated in regular case management meetings with other case workers in other zones and found out solutions to certain cases. Ensured all the necessary paperwork for case management, interim care and reunification are completed accurately and in a timely manner and submitted to the Community Development Officer for review and data entry respectively. Facilitated the participation of all children and ensure that they are listened to, and their opinions respected on all issues related to durable solutions for their care and upbringing. Supported in the implementation of activities in the respective locations/ zone.